Sunday, December 14, 2008

Unfinished Items: Help Still Needed!

Here is a list of the unfinished items in the house.

Roof over deck
Siding on top half of house in front
Outside lights and Flood lights to be installed
Door bell to be installed
Finish front deck
Stairs on back deck
Paint downstairs doors and trim
touch up painting through the house
door handles to be put on after painting is finished
Inside stairs to be sanded and varnished
Railing to be put on inside
Railing at top of the stairs to be made and instaled
Counter top to be but on
Mirrors to be put up in Bathrooms
Appliances to be brought over
Basement - level, pour cement, Insulation, Lights, Stairs

I will update to let you all know Days and Times when help is needed. Thank you!!

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