Saturday, January 24, 2009


Today the kids and I met the Electricians Dave Ryan and Dave Ryan Jr. at the house they did a lot of work completely wired up the rest of the house, did a lot of work in the basement. Great Job guys! That was a lot of work. Thank you for taking care of getting the power hooked up later that week. These guys are amazing at the house for 8:00 on Saturdays to volunteer. They have spent a lot of time on this house.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Sean Macnamara from MC Ventilation Ltd was at the house working on the ventilation system. Great Job Sean! Thank you it looks wonderful.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

MC Ventilation Ltd.

Today Sean Macnamara from MC Ventilation Ltd. was doing the duct work through the house.
He will be there again tomorrow. Thank you Sean! Great work!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

E-ZEE GAS SERVICES / Hydro has been started!

Today owner Ed Zelward and employee Blair from E-ZEE GAS SERVICES started the installation of the heating system donated from Enbridge Gas.
Dave Richards and Hector Lamprea from Fundy Engineering joined them to discuss where is was going and how the whole process was going to be carried out.

Thanks so much guys for all your help.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday, Jan 3, 2009

I went up to the house today to do some painting and clean up. I would not have been able to do this if it wasn't for Suzanne Kingston and Howard LaBillois for taking such great care of my children for me.
I just want to say Thank you to them for being such great neighbours, friends and support to my children and I. Suzanne came over to help with the painting as well. It was nice to have the company. I also want to mention that Suzanne and Howard have been sending out letters to others whom may also like to help. Thank you so much for all you have done for us.
My good friend Cindy Caissey-Vautour came over to help with the house today as well. Thanks to her we can now see our floor, and out our windows. Thank you for being such a great friend. We even had a visit from her husband Denny and daughter Marlyanna thanks for stopping by, just a visit from friends and family helps me to keep a positive attitude and makes the work seem that much easier and more fun.

Thank you All for making my day, a happier and more positive one.

Still looking for volunteers...Saturday, January 03, 2009

Hello Past, Present and Future volunteers,

I will be working at the house all day today!! Would love some company. If you have nothing else to do drop by.

It is looking great! We now have basement stairs!! Drop by to see the amazing progress.

Terrific Job on the stairs Jean!! They look great!

Hope to see you : )

Friday, January 2, 2009

CBC News Cast on Volunteers!

CBC recently did an interview with Angela Trecartin, on the volunteering that took place through the build of this years build. She had organized well over 100 volunteers to spend a day working on the house. Thank you Angela all the xerox employees did a phenomenal job! Take a look at the story.